"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." - C. S. Lewis

Rather than thinking of your mind and body as who you are, consider the following two perspectives:

1. Think of yourself as the author or the artist with the pen or brush and your mind like the paper, a place where your thoughts, ideas, and choices come together for your perception. As the author or artist you choose what goes on the canvas of your mind. You get to choose the color of ink, the words, ideas, images, and feelings that get expressed on the canvas of your mind.

2. As a scientist your mind is where you generate idea molecules that form your experience of life. You can create molecules that have a positive charge on them or molecules that have a negative charge. When you create thoughts based in Positive Intention you are making mind molecules that have a positive charge. Mind molecules are unique because they attract like molecules.

Choosing positive intent attracts other like elements to that nucleus of positive intent and you will build a molecule that has certain positive unique characteristics.  When you choose Positive Intention, you will tend to move yourself into the future to see your vision in life, how to activate your vision, and how to support people around you.

Positive thoughts have a positive impact on your body and your physiology. “When you have good chemistry with someone, your body produces elevated levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine,” says Helen Fisher, Ph.D., research professor of anthropology at Rutgers University. When there’s true chemistry, the body’s levels of the chemical dopamine rise and lead to “imprinting,” a theory of attachment discovered by German ethologist and Nobel Prize winner Niko Tinbergen. Ever notice when you have good chemistry with someone the world seems brighter? This could be due to a physiological reaction discovered by University of Chicago biopsychologist Eckhard Hess, a pioneer in the area of “pupillometrics.” In short, Hess found that when people look at something or someone that causes positive feelings or sparks interest, their pupils dilate in an attempt to take in more of it, letting in more light as well. You go into an enhanced physiological state when you are in a positive frame of mind.

A Yale and Miami University study tracked the lives of people over fifty for twenty-three years and found that those who embraced the aging process lived an average of 7.5 years longer than those who were pessimistic about getting older. Other studies reveal that optimists are not only less likely to die from heart disease, but if they do happen to develop it, recover considerably faster from coronary bypass surgery than their negative counterparts. Though there are no clear explanations for the health benefits a positive outlook brings, scientists believe there is a solid link between optimism and the immune system, providing it with the boost it needs to fight the pitfalls of aging and disease.  

Conversely, if you choose negative intent, that negative charge will attract other negative elements to form a negative molecule around the nucleus of negative intent. When you choose Negative Intention, you will tend to be looking at the past, where you feel victimized, angry, and in need of rescuing.  Your body responds to your negative attitude by making your breathing shallower, tightening up and slowing your metabolism. You have less oxygen going into your system when you are in a negative state of mind. The main chemical that's overproduced by negative emotions is adrenaline. This hormone is produced by our bodies to give us the ability to defend ourselves or to run away from danger. When you are in a negative state of mind you are typically feeling threatened in some way. Adrenaline heightens your hearing, vision, smell, and taste, and gives you amazing short-term strength and stamina. The next day, when there is no danger, you feel sluggish, your muscles ache, and your joints hurt…an adrenaline hangover.

Chronic stress from negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness upsets the body's hormone balance and depletes the brain chemicals required for positive feeling. New scientific understandings have identified the pathways through which human emotions, such as hope and fear, impact the body's immune system and overall vitality.

Your mind is not a two-dimensional canvas or piece of paper; your mind is a holographic device that displays a lifelike hologram of reality. If you have seen the later versions of Star Trek, your mind is like the “Holodeck,” a holographic room on the Enterprise that is lifelike and that you, the operator, program. Your mind creates your personal internal version of reality for you to experience. This hologram is so realistic that it is often mistaken for reality itself and you forget that you are the author of the contents of your mind. When you step into the Holodeck you experience what seems to be a real situation. Each person’s internal reality is what I will refer to later in this book as a bubble of experience.  Inside of your bubble is where you get to experience your version of reality.

The great thing is that each and every moment provides you the opportunity to choose what type of energy and experience you want to create and have. That choice is what this book is about.




© 2016 Jim Peal